This is another ‘test’ between Amado and I. The challenge was how to paint the dress and her hair.
This is my version:
This is Amado’s version. I love how he did the dress, the hair and the shadows.
With this one, I had problems doing the hair. I guess it is something I have to learn. I will check out youtube for How-To videos after this.
PS: This will be my last painting for this week. Technically I just painted two portraits this week because of my schedule. September is just around the corner and that means I have to do some bazaar duty.
Also, I will be doing some test studies – I was asked to do backgrounds for a short animated feature. The schedule is tight and the task is challenging. So, I will still be painting – I just can’t post any of it until it’s done. And since it’s not portrait, but places, it’s not included in the counting. 🙂