Posts Tagged ‘An Artwork A Day’

This is a watercolor portrait of my brother. It’s not one of the best I’ve made but it shows me how much I’ve improved in the past 3 months. Yes, three months ago I started this 100 Portraits projects. I decided to try and paint my brother again after three months. This is what I painted three months ago. That was...

Amado and I were talking about watercolor techniques. There’s one that was so light that it leaves the barest hint of color. I was lucky to find a photo to try it out. If I painted watercolor this way, a single box of 5ml tubes would last me a year. Yes, a normal tube of artist grade watercolor is just 5ml. Imagine my...

via IFTTTMy doodle for the day. #dailydoodle

via IFTTTTesting something. #dailydoodle